Mar 17, 2019
As a Neurobiologist Research Scientist in her twenties, Aimee Raupp began experiencing personal health issues. She became frustrated by Western medicine’s inability to provide answers and began to seek solutions from Eastern medicine. After beginning acupuncture treatment, she discovered how a mind, body, nutrition approach was key overcoming her illness and maintaining good long-term health.
Aimee holds a Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in California and a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Rutgers University in New Jersey. She is licensed in New York to practice acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbology and is certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
Inspired by her personal experience, Aimee has dedicated her life to the service of helping women renew hope and reawaken to their healthiest life through the teachings of traditional oriental medicine. She practices privately in Manhattan, the Hamptons, and Nyak, New York.
Aimee is also the Acupuncturist helping me heal my body and I’ve known her for about five or six years now.
In this episode, Aimee and I discuss what acupuncture is, when led her to try acupuncture in the first place, the missing component in the self-love conversation, why it’s okay to not love your body at times, my own experience with feeling too ashamed to speak publicly about taking Western medications, why I say Aimee’s latest book is like she’s giving everyone a hug, and so much more!
To learn more, visit the show notes.
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